Definitions and pronunciations taken from Merriam-Webster online.
ablutions: (noun) \ə-ˈblü-shən, a-\ the washing of one's body or part of it (as in a religious rite); bathing
onerous: (adjective) \ä-nə-rəs, ˈō- \ involving a burden; troublesome
samana: (noun) \sə-'må-nə\ a wandering ascetic in India
exalted: (verb/adjective) \ig-ˈzolt-əd\ raised in rank or power; praised
atman: (noun) \ˈät-mən, -ˌmän\ the innermost essence of each individual; the supreme universal self
asceticism: (noun) \-ˈse-tə-ˌsi-zəm\ practicing strict self-denial
erudition: (noun) \ˌer-ə-ˈdi-shən, ˌer-yə-\extensive knowledge acquired mostly from books; booksmarts
courtesan: (noun) \ˈkor-tə-zən, -ˌzan ˌkor-tə-ˈzan\ a prostitute with courtly, wealthy, or upper class clientele
equanimity: (noun) \ˌē-kwə-ˈni-mə-tē, ˌe-kwə-\evenness of mind, especially under stress; calm, mental balance
engendered: (verb) \in-ˈjen-dər-əd, en-\ caused to exist or develop; produced
ennui: (noun): \ˌän-ˈwē\ weariness or disssatisfaction; boredom
expiation: (noun) \ˌek-spē-ˈā-shən\ the act of atoning; making up for something
pallid: (adjective) \ˈpa-ləd\ lacking in color; unlively
pyre: (noun) \ˈpī(-ə)r\ a combustible heap for burning (usually for a funeral)
samsara: (noun) \səm-ˈsär-ə\indefinitely repeated cycles of birth, misery, and death caused by karma
exhortation: (noun)\ˌek-ˌsor-ˈtā-shən, -sər-; ˌeg-ˌzor-, -zər-\ the act of urging; making urgent appeals or warnings
entwined: (verb/adjective) \in-ˈtwīn-əd, en-\ twisted or wrapped together
om: (noun) \ˈōm\ a mantra consisting of one sound in contemplation of ultimate reality
venerable: (adjective) \ˈve-nər(-ə)-bəl, ˈven-rə-bəl\ deserving respect due to age; honored or revered
intrinsic: (adjective) \in-ˈtrin-zik, -ˈtrin(t)-sik\ having internal or built-in value
English Blog BINGO
9 years ago
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