Write a 3-paragraph blog response in the format of “I said... He said... Now, I say...”
Paragraph 1,
write a reflection that explains your feelings about the TodaysMeet
incident from last Friday, September 28. Quote your own journal entry
(attached to these instructions) that support your description of your
thoughts and feelings from last week.
Paragraph 2, write a reflection that explains the most relevant point(s) that Elie Wiesel makes in his book Night and Nobel Prize Speech. Provide quotes that support your description of Wiesel’s theme and thesis.
Paragraph 3, write a reflection that synthesizes the ideas from your journal-writing Monday and Wiesel’s ideas from Night and
his Nobel Speech. This synthesis should demonstrate how your own
thoughts and feelings interact with your understanding of Wiesel’s
writing to result in a new perspective.
Monday journal might completely agree with Wiesel’s thoughts, or you
might completely reject any connection between the TodaysMeet issue and Night.
Either of those responses - and any that fall within the continuum
they form - is by definition a reaction to your reading of Night. If you are more logically or mathematically oriented, think of the instructions this way:
My ideas from Friday + Wiesel’s ideas = My ideas now
Paragraph 3 should describe this equation.
English Blog BINGO
9 years ago